As I sit here, trying not to scratch my (what I can only assume are...beautifully attractive...) Cambodia elephant flea bites (told you, hot stuff huh?), trying to sleep in this oppressive heat, in a shared bed with towels as bedding, I briefly ponder having a cold shower (through a mixture of choice...and non existent hot water...but that can only be done when sitting on the toilet anyway, besides which I'm sure I just heard something scuttle across the floor)...but instead have to ask myself...
Will they count THIS as roughing it yet?!?
Ah yes Cambodia we have arrived!! This place, though I'm afraid to say I think out done by Vietnam-apart from generally having far less litter, is beautiful. Landscapes are a strange mix of green jungles and arid fields, almost African in appearance, though I gather during wet season it all resembles Wales. Now there's a random comparison if ever I heard one!! The people are BEAUTIFUL, though features have been steadily softening the further south we've travelled from China, both men and women, and ESPECIALLY the children are stunning here, and always smiling and keen to wave at and play for passing buses/ferries.
Hoping for some chill out time after our scramble from Vietnam we headed straight for the southern beaches. Chill out time is certainly what we found. The highlights of our first stop, which comprised a "city" of 2 roads and nothing but guesthouses, were a pig swimming in the sea and a dog which followed us on our exploration..of the two roads..and was subsequently christened Sandy (think "Annie!"). We didn't stay long.
The big attraction at our next stop actually admitted to being a ghost town. They were certainly more truthful with this description than that of the previous "city." It was terrifying!!! Driving up dirt and bolder wridden track claiming to be a road, dodging signs warning the presence of land mines, tales of tigers, snakes and spiders, and the sheer drop back down the mountain we found the Black Place and Bokor Hill station. Sounds nice huh? It wasn't, it was terrifying- not helped by the sound effects following us as we trekked (CAREFULLY...but speedily) through the jungle (does anyone know what a sicadder actually is/looks like?). The whole area had been occupied by the Khmer Rouge, hence the mines, and this was evident immediately. A grandiose french colonial style castle, hotel and casino had been reduced to burnt out relics, pierced with bullet holes and over grown by moss. A cathedral, in the same state, stood ominous and in shadow upon the hill over looking the scene. Despite the possibility of an over night stay we, again, didn't stay long!
After a brief recuperation from my trauma (Libby'd loved it...probably my reaction more than the place its self!) at the beach we'd been hunting all week for, we headed off to the hills where we found dust and elephants and waterfalls (non of which I fell off!!). We went on the most atmospheric elephant trek through the jungle, which again was intermixed with African scenes; the remoteness of the region was just breathtaking. Despite leaving from the province's capital, we'd see nothing for hours then happen across a small shack, complete with smiling and waving children, or some one washing their clothes and their children in the river...of course it was mine and Libby's graceful beast who chose himself on this poignant my big all jinxing mouth's command actually. Ooop's. Once we'd got off the poor animals' back, I must say they are some of the most beautiful and elegant, graceful creatures I've ever seen.
After a day, a night, and a happy pizza in Phnon Penh we set off for the temples of Angkor Wat. Wow. Just wow, I don't even know how to begin to describe the feeling clambering through the dark to see something we had no idea of the shape or size, position or sheer magnitude of, then seeing it slowly revealed as the sun rose. Or exploring all the hidden crevices of a temple so deeply entrenched in the jungle that trees were growing over, on, in and even through it. Great roots smashing through the boulders, strong trunks stretching seemingly through to reach the sky...and Libby and I doing our BEST Lara Croft impressions through out. Just magical!
And that my dears was Cambodia. Beautiful, relaxed and so very friendly, all intermixed with a lot of action that I think Bridgette Jones could learn a thing or two from... not to be out done by the joys of my attack, it seems (IN MY ABSENCE) my house has become flea infested, my dog rather ill, myself single and my ex engaged.
They don't even have decent ice cream here. So cruel. Still, in true Bridge style we're off to Thailand next, where I hear the standard of travelling male specie, not to mention their parties, is second to non... though I do not intend to follow in her foot steps all the way to jail!!
Still waiting to hear who was Christmas number one....
Miss me
C x
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