Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2 years down and time didn't stop long enough to simply fly by...

Hello everyone!!!

Now, I’m not assuming you’ve all been at the edge of your seat with anticipation, awaiting the next thrilling instalment in the mundane happenings of me, I’m just saying that I know I’ve been totally rubbish at keeping in touch with you all and I am actually sorry!!!

I cannot believe how fast time is going; it’s JULY on Wednesday when on earth did THAT happen??? So, I thought I’d take a few minutes to give you a little recap of where I am, not to be vain, but in the hope you might reply and tell me how you are and what you’ve been up to...

Things have been a bit of a whirlwind these past 12 months; I was made redundant back in November, just before going on holiday for a few weeks. This was, was actually more fortuitous than you’d think as, surprisingly, things did not go accordingly to plan...that’s right, the holiday was in Thailand, and thanks to the PAD my friend, Hattie, and my holiday ended up being more like a month long, rather than a few weeks! Now, despite finding ourselves refugees really we mustn’t grumble, as, for a start, had we flown the day and route we were due to fly home we would’ve ended up flying straight into the monstrosities that happened in Mumbai (they don’t call me Calamity for nothing!), and for a second, an extended stay in Thailand can’t be too bad- specially when very generously put up in my cousin’s very beautiful home.

When I eventually got home I spent a very enjoyable Christmas at my mother’s festive three-day extravaganza, with one of her best friends, Hiroko, my cousin Vanessa and Martin. It was, yet again a tough old time, involving much food and merriment, quickly followed by my cousin Beccy’s wedding up in Warrington and Martin and my New Years Eve spent at a gala dinner (daaling!) in the beautiful Tudor town of Stanford.

2009 has remained as active as it started, if not more so! I’ve been on long-term temping contracts since January. The first of which involved working 1:2:1 in a mainstream school helping a girl with autism. We had some feisty moments over my months with her, as well as some very touching moments, including encouraging and hearing her read out loud for the first time in 2 years. It only served to affirm my want of opening a centre for autism.

That’s still slowly and steadily on track; my Cambridge Autism Course and Aston Business course are (I hope) going well and nearly finished. I’ve decided to do a teacher training PGCE as well, as it would be advantageous both to the centre and as a back up if it doesn’t go well (but it will!!!!). If they’ll have me, that will start in January at Roehampton Teaching College, and the completion of all 3 courses will coincide, leaving me ready and raring to get out to New Zealand! Speaking of which, Martin and I are planning to do a kiwi rekey in April for about 3 weeks....

Since leaving the school I was temping at I’ve been working at Surrey Social Services, in the children’s team, getting a bit of behind the scenes experience, while also tutoring a boy with autism on the side on a Saturday. It’s fascinating, if a touch stressful at times and I am loving it; but very much missing the classroom and have been approached by a few schools about working for them for the Winter Term, until I start my official training. So fingers crossed for a busy end to the year to....

On the social side, Martin and I moved in together at the end of last year and are looking for a place that is ours, rather than mine- it’s just a matter of finding the time to do so! It is all going very rose tintedly swimmingly I’m pleased to report, he’s also got me back into the theatre world. Admittedly my appetite had been wet at the end of 2007 when I discovered rather a random and surprise love of burlesque performing, I’ve done a few shows up in London over the year, but I’ve always been really partial to a spot of musical theatre- can’t resist the lure of a jazz hand or two! So in April Martin and I were in a musical production of Around the World in 80 Days, in a studio theatre in Carshalton. It was certainly a lot of fun....possibly more so to be in than to watch, though mum and my Godmother were very generous with their rave reviews.

Since then Martin has been cast as Hal in Shakespeare’s Henry IV part one and two no less. I will also be guest starring as a screaming wench, but wouldn’t want to steal his lime light....the fact that I get to be supportive with out having to pay for tickets has nothing to do with it I tell you, nothing!

My best friend Libby has also enjoyed theatrical success, making her directorial debut in London. So the two of them have made me very proud and really inspired me/given me the kick up the bum to go out and get over my fear of auditioning...

...Though this has provided some interesting results I must say... My first audition was for the same company that we did 80 Days with. They are doing Calamity Jane at the beginning of November and I decided to try out for Adelaide, the Hollywood Glamour puss/Bitch! People were very kind about my efforts, though I didn’t get the role. The director himself kindly congratulated me on my audition and told me I was so glamorous he’d like to cast me in another role, which is even introduced by name in the opening number, the role of Flo. Well I was flabbergasted and couldn’t possibly refuse... Imagine then how flabbergasted I was when this glamour filled little role turned out to be the village scuz- true, she is introduced by Calamity Jane herself in the opening number...as being offensively smelly and disgusting!!

I’m a little hurt that my levels of sophistication and glamour equate to repulsion, but am very excited as I think it will be hilarious to do/watch!

I then fell into auditioning for a version of Tommy! The musical, which will be performed at a terrifyingly large theatre in Epsom. For some reason I was possessed enough to go for the Acid Queen, the part Tina Turner played in the movie....for an even lesser known reason the panel was possessed enough to cast me. So those will be two weeks to make my mother proud- first a week as a drug-addicted prostitute, swiftly followed by a week as a stinking toothless hick. YEEE-HA!!!

If any of you find yourselves free and Surrey bound in the last week of September, that’s when Martin’s Shakespeare is on...the last week of October/first week of November are when I should be good for a giggle! Feel free to pop by!

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