The musings, happenings and general whereabouts of an itchy footed soul and her very own Mr T, who think this world is wide and for exploring.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Penis Rock, Life in a cloud, and everything in between!!
We headed straight to Halong Bay almost as soon as we could for a trip consisting of a night out on a Junk boat followed by one on Cat Ba island, which was just amazing, and action packed. Day one was fairly relaxing, really just trying to absorb the beautiful scenery, it was quite misty which may've been a shame but it was warm and so it just added to the romance and mystique of the 2000 islands (or "Little Dragons") we were soon surrounded by. We sailed to visit one of their most famous caves "Surprising Cave" (sounds far better in Vietnamese funnily enough, though can'tremember how they say it, sorry!) and were guided through it by our local tour leader. Now I must admit these were some how less impressive than Yiling Cave of Nanning, though it was very interesting to note the structural differences between fresh water and sea water caves (no really it was), until we approached one particular rock. This particular rock has great acclaim in the lonely planet, it is so renowned that it has its own name and in the cave its self, its own glowing red light. According to our guide this rock bares many resemblances, a banana, a pistol (Libby clearly agrees with this theory, noting the hole in the ceiling about it must be where it "shot its load." Quite.), a finger, an elbow, to name but a few...funnily enough, despite all the blushing, he never quite brought himself to give the Lonely Planet's name! Then it was back down the the beach to relax, wander or swim before boarding the boat to our overnight anchorage, for more swimming, jumping of the side and sea food dinners!
Next day we set off for the absolutely idyllic Cat Ba island, most of which is a nature reserve. It is just stunning. A bit like Lantau Island, but so many times lusher, greener- just magical, all enhanced by a sprinkling of local dwellings-some what more modest than those found in the island off Hong Kong to say the least! We set up for a leisurely 2 hour stroll...well I suppose they sell more tours telling us that...what we actually did was a trek, a REAL trek, half of which consisted of rock climbing, so taxing that even our guide did not make it to the top...needless to say my assent was not speedy, or with out complaint-in fact the phrase blood, sweat and tears became quite literal!
But WOW it was worth it when I eventually clambered to the top to join the rest of the group (except the local guide-remember!). The afternoon was also miss sold, a leisurely spot of kayaking from the beach was actually a 2 or 3 hour race to catch our (clearly some what fitter than the last) guide from a water village. Yes there are literally villages set up in the middle of the bay, groups of houses etc anchored together into place, with bustling life, pets etc, served by and serving the floating/boat markets. So we got on the kayak in the middle of no where. I have never kayaked before, but was reassured when we were told they were two man vessels and Libby had done it plenty of times.
I have reason to doubt this information.
We got off to a rather painful start...middle and finish, including one rather hair raising moment when, attempting to reach our guide in a lagoon we were swept in the opposite direction (the one heading either to rocks or sea...not my favourite direction). A rather squealed change of direction (the noises help I tell you) saw us manage to make our way into the entrance of the lagoon.
Of course in said entrance was a group of local fisher men, two of their boats and a lot of rocks. It soon became clear that they don't mind if you hit their boats. Actually it seemed to make their day...specially when we ricocheted off one into the other and ended up having to be bumped through the entrance by another member of our group, who'd taken rather more pity on us than the locals, who were far too busy enjoying the show!!!
Against all odds we made it back to Hanoi (and I think I'd like to take up Kayaking...with out Libby!!) and prepared to venture up to the hill town of Sapa. This place, or more the people actually blew my mind. On arrival, things looked grim. We arrived at 6am all prepared to get the bus to a small village near the boarder with China, it wasn't until we'd waited an hour and a half and loaded up our bags that it became apparent that our Lonely Planet (aka, our bible) had made a typo as the fare was 4 times what we expected- not including Westerner's tax no doubt, and as such way out of budget; so we settled on a bus for Sapa instead- again not before providing a good show for the locals.
We arrived to be greeted by a cold, wet, damp cloud. No it was not foggy, we were in a cloud- we could not see across the road so could only assume the Lonely Planet was not also lying about the beauty to be seen in Sapa. We found a room, also freezing and damp, and attempted to relax there for a while, whilst wondering what the hell we were going to do for the next three days-other than catch phenomena. Step one was to stumble (literally given the weather) across an oasis...a cafe that while it didn't perhaps have the most authentic Vietnamese character, did have a roaring log fire and cake...lots of cake! So there we sat, book in one hand, cake in the other, until close!
The next day we took a tour to some local villages, happily below the cloud. This trip was just awe inspiring. Children as young as 4 were teaching themselves well as well as their own tribe's dialect. School is a relatively new development and from what I can ascertain children only attend a few days a week (when not working) and it is for half a day. As such this English is learnt from tourists. Not only have these amazing people taught themselves new languages, but also an incredible amount of world knowledge. Some were asking about our travels and where we were from, bearing in mind they'd never ventured further than Sapa its self, it is amazing to me that they know not only exactly where England and London is, but also where all the stops on our tour are- I'd like to hear me try and tell a tourist where Aberdeen is.
Conversation then moved onto way of life. Our guide, and the many that had joined us along the way, were telling us how they tend to marry at about the age of 14/15, though the younger girls now dream of marriage at 18/19. Marriage is not arranged, partners choose each other (seemingly more initiated by the husband) and will come from the same village, though not necessarily the same tribe. Our guide was 18 and 5 months pregnant, we befriended some other girls, one of whom was 25, been married since 14 with 3 children. When asking about us, they asked how old we were and if we had boyfriends. When we joked about being old spinsters the reply was simply, "Not at all, that is your culture, this is ours. They are different." Gob smacking, despite little or no access to education or sources of media these people are so self sufficient, not only in terms of material good but a wealth of knowledge. We seem to find it far easier to comment on another culture as being, weird and strange because it does not match our own, than it is to simply accept, unquestioning, the fascinating cultural differences which make us all unique- even with an abundance of information at our fingertips.
Here is a link to come photos of Sapa and the villages we saw and amazing people we met, I couldn't resist demanding you all look!-
Off to Hue on a no doubt fun filled 14 hour bus journey tonight. Hopefully I wont find this so fascinating that regale you with more endless tales quite so soon....
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The mightly have fallen...but laughing cow reigns supreme
For our example, our last meal in Hong Kong consisted of a fabulous dinner in a restaurant owned by the father of one of Lib's uni friends, helping him to choose a menu for an upcoming Oxford Alumni event he was hosting. Unfortunately this meant trying all the best wines and dishes on, and off, the menu. At one point as we were all chatting a way I noticed the nightly light show had started across the harbour, at which point with all the sophistication we all know I don't posses I squealed out, er, politely, mid conversation, "Oooh ahhh look at the pretty lights"..before I knew it (and anyone could see the incredible shade of red I'd turned as I awaited the ground's swallowing me whole) all the lights had been turned out for, "The Lady's pleasure." I'm sorry who...? Our first meal back in China, however, consisted of...well...(don't read this bit Romeo) accidentally eating dog. We knew our days as Surrey Gals were numbered at this point.....
Our base in China was a place called Nanning, which I would love to describe to you now, but to be honest I cant remember it. Nanning's charm was not helped by the fact that it was "off season," so what little there was in the way of things to do and buses to catch were closed. The people of Nanning however were just amazing, as before still had the shovers, the smokers, the hockers and the slightly intimidating stares, but this time the people (ALL of them, not just those with which you were doing some form of business) were incredible and went out of there way to be friendly and helpful...though often with the appearance of being very angry and telling us off:
-Trying to find a room at 4am was proving difficult as the hotel (or hostel of death as Libby fondly refers to it) wanted payment upfront, though all our money had been spent getting to the joyous city. On or third attempt to speak to reception and or find a bank we ascertained there maybe one across the road....the uncrossable road (subway (which are actually mini shopping malls!?!) was closed and there is a big fence running along the mid section). So we had no choice but for me to watch our huge rucksacks we were STILL carting around and Libby to scale the which point a rather shouty truncheon wielding guard, spotting the apparently suicidal westerners came marching over. Rather afraid and rather sleepy we tried to explain to him we needed money as he seemed to be shouting at us to get back to the hotel. It wasn't until he frog marched us back there and started actually shouting, at the receptionist, we realised he was actually lovely and on our side. He even waited in the hotel, until he'd seen us safely enter the lift on the way to our room, having arranged for us to pay in the morning. Contrary to popular belief he expected nothing in return.
-Trying to find something to do (other than email) for the duration of our 2 days stop we decided to head out of town to visit Yiling Cave. This little expedition involved drawing a crowd at the local bus stop, attempting to converse in our English and their Mandarin, then one woman getting fed up of the farce and our inability to understand the little game of charades that was occurring and walking us, across the town to the bus station, putting us on the right bus and telling the driver to get us off at the right stop.
-Which turned out was a bus station. Back into headless chicken routine, we find a guard to engage in more charades with. Again in a rather shouty, and scary but incredibly helpful way, he lead us straight to the head of the ticket queue, ordered our tickets lead us to the waiting room then called us, again to the front of the queue, when our bus arrived. Again non of these people wanted or expected a thing, they were juts being lovely. How many of us, when confronted with a foreigner speaking gibberish would stop what we are doing and walk across a town to help?
The caves were awe inspiring, though we suspect were actually the secret layer of the Phantom of the Opera-complete with lakes. Fantastic. And we managed to get a free ride home...which was lucky, as, being off season it soon became evident that there may well have been no other way home- another day out executed with military precision!!!
Finally the 5th of December rolled round and we could board our 8 hour bus journey to Vietnam, crossing the boarder at Friendship Pass. An ironic name if every I heard one. Not only is it a chain of randomly arranged buildings (set in a mass expanse of...the middle of no where, fairly spread out, probably stretching about 1 or 2 km, all of which you have traverse through), it is a ghost town (adding nicely to the eerie effect) and it is the place where Libby got smacked in the face by a guard...probably because she seemed strangely deter mind to return to China. Actually we think it was her medical check. In only of the many buildings, whilst filling out one of the many forms, a guard thought an appropriate way of shooing her out of his way was to nudge her in the cheek. Then passing through one of the many windows we had to pay a 2yen medical the very same guard. That seemed to be the extent of the examination...perhaps he was confirming that she was in fact not a hologram?! I managed to slip through the net.
And onward into Vietnam!! We only had about two hours of light left for the portion of the trip that side of the boarder, but already I was falling for the country, with its lush green landscapes and amazingly colourful- and COMPLETE architecture. Despite the Lonely Planet writing reams and reams about all the deception, theft and treachery we are to come up against here (followed by a short sentence reminding us not to be paranoid) we have been greeted with nothing but smiles and had some amazing experiences here already. We were also very excited to hear that there have been many souvenir's left behind by the French such as baguettes and amazing far we have found Laughing Cow...everywhere...on ward with the hunt then!
Monday, December 11, 2006
And of Christmas cheer...
The Festive Spirit has finally found us, well what with the cold and rain catching up to us so soon I knew it couldn't be far behind! It was in the National Arts Centre and the cast were clearly having a great time which was infectious...of course thanks to Martin and Lisa and my brief dalliance back in the wonderful world of theatre my initial, un-am dram panto-forgiving reaction was:
"wow amazing set great costumes and make where was the sound check- who did those levels, if you're on CAMS use them- that cue was all over the place, who is operating those flies, stage crew use your lighting cues, lighting crew use your script cues, PROPS...blablabla..."
NIGHTMARE. So thanks for that guys.
Now to find snow.........
Also a quick note about photo's, if you want to see any from our trip so far, it seems Libby has been quite snap happy with her selection and is putting most of them on facebook, on both our pages I think; mostly hers, but feel free to peruse, I'm sure I'll sort some out to...eventually
Happy in Hong Kong!!
What I find even more amazing is every single building and business, from government offices, to banks, to supermarkets and 7-11's...probably EVEN Starbucks (of which there are MANY) are all designed and merchandised according to the strict principals of Feng Shui... except one large building with koala like features built into its glass face, which has never managed to house a successful business. Interesting to note whether that proves Feng Shui as a valid science, or a self perpetuating cycle, in that is is so ingrained into the psyche here....?!? It certainly involves some very interesting principals and processes.
We seem to have really gone down hill with our attempts to rough it though...still protesting that we really REALLY will by the time we hit Vietnam, we have engaged in a day of pampering, a dinner cruse, a champagne brunch, a girls night out at the races and an other one at the rugby and a day lounging at the cricket club. You can take a girl out of surrey......
Of course, while that does all sound rather nice and laa-dee-da, you can never underestimate the charm of calamity Carys, who seems to have cunningly forgotten to mention things such as Ladies Night in the bar district, where EVERYTHING is free... which is resultant in Carys being poorly and so banned by her liver from Disney land- BOO!! Followed by an insistence on a visit to Ocean Park the following week to make up for it!! ( -:
Or that the trip to the rugby actually reduced Darragh to attempting to explain the game to us in terms of the pink side and the sparkly side, while Libby and I had far more fun analysing potential college cliques, a la Americaan Teen films!! Hey look I know Hong Kong won't be in the the wold cup- if that's what it's called in Rugby, which is way more than we all expected me to by the endof the match...I also think I know who's up for prom king and queen!
Our sophisticated night out at the races involved my usual betting form of, "oooh that's a pretty out fit and a nice name" and my favourite trick of changing my mind on a bet at the last minute, only for my original horse to win- probably trampling down my second choice in the process!! It should also be noted that names of racing horses in this country are even more bizarre than in England, so it is only unfortunate that the race where I bet (a WHOLE pound) on Dashing Champion, Storming Ball and Perfect Feelings made for some rather glare inducing dinner table chat in our box. We were strictly discussing form I tell you!
But I have been (a little) serene to...
One of my favourite days so far has been a day trip I took to the island of Lantau. Libby and Darragh were meant to come, but, shall we say, their livers were not receptive to the early start on the day so they went a few days later. We went to some very peaceful and spiritual destinations so it really was rather nice to do it all by myself. I spent the day being thoroughly unsociable to the rest of the tour group, so very happy in my own little world, taking in all the amazing sights. The island could be a tropical paradise; undulating terrain, lush with banana and papaya plantations, certainly not the type of scenes I was expecting to find the the region of Hong Kong! Our first stop was a very secluded sandy beach broken up by dotted boulders and rocks, I took a short wander then proceeded to sit on one such rock, with my feet in the bath warm water and just take it all in, beautiful.
We were then taken to a small fishing village were, despite having been provided new high rise housing by the government, the locals all live in stilted houses, and sell any thing from dried duck egg yolk to a complete shark's skin! We were then taken to the great Buddha, not before seeing it in the sky line, amongst the mammoth hills before us. It is beautiful, a reclining Buddha, of bronze, surrounded by maidens bringing traditional offerings, inside it encases a museum to its creation, and Buddha himself, and also the opportunity to buy memorial spaces for loved ones. Another very poignant destination...despite the inevitable shops and bus park 250 steps down from its base.
We then had lunch at a monastery and I went for a little wander to the Wisdom Trail, a beautiful monument I can only liken to Stone Henge, but each inscribed with a fable or Profit's preaching and forming the symbol of eternity. The day was ended by a 35 min ride back to Hong Kong island by cable car, offering some of the most breathtaking views of the Island, and again the Buddha an ominous feature in the sky line. Wow, what a day!
Everyone has been so incredibly generous and helpful during our time here, hence our ability to live the high life...coupled with our inability to leave! We were intending to leave Tuesday....we are now aiming for tomorrow...though earlier today were hatching plans to rent a flat until march when we fly to New Zealand!!! We shall see.....
If we do finally make our clean break tomorrow we have 5 days in which to travel to Vietnam......
The unintended new look
Hear is all the current, and vaguely acceptable evidence of my new hair. Er please dont be fooled by all the super imposed make up and back ground that may look like cocktails and hourse races because it really is tough roughing it quite so much as we have been forsed to my Libby's friends in HK. Tough tough tough.
Now, ok PURLEEEASE will someone tell me what they think, instead of just requesting more blackmail worthy photos-which I supply quite happily anyway!!!
Calamity Carys hits Hong Kong...and goes Goth?
Its my own fault really, when someone professes to the world that they are going off to be a rugged traveller for a few months and "rough" their way around the Far East, whether they are a girlie girl from Surrey or not, their account of the trip should NOT include words such as, upgrades and pampering seshes. Up until now we could blame all that on our tour guide, but now we are on our own to face the consequences......
We have arrived in Hong Kong!!! Made it to the end of the tour, said our....rather anticlimactic...goodbyes, and wandered off into the streets to find our hostel.
Hong Kong is amazing, I really like it here, but can't quite put my finger on why...maybe because I don't want to admit that the reason is probably because it is a lot more western and easy to feel at home here...well it's either that or the pretty bright lights!
In China a lot of the cities we visited were seemingly half finished, or half destroyed (providing a rather si-fi film, creepy effect), the streets were lined with..erm..."hairdressers" basking in red lights (especially in Yichang) and spit marks, and the people, as we've established, could be less than friendly, and the atmosphere was fairly grey and at times manic.
From the moment you step out of the train station, the other side of customs, the desire to point out, just how, NOT CHINA Hong Kong is, is very clear. Lining the streets were placards of news paper clippings and headlines covering subjects clearly banned in China, such as the Tiananmen Square massacres, smoking is to be banned in restaurants and karaoke bars (apparently as fresh air heightens the karaoke experience so!) and spitters are fined. Everyone is very friendly and keen to help (sometimes scarily so, when you leave a shop and members of staff come streaming out of the woodwork to thank you and say good bye. In unison- where do they all come from?!), though it is a very busy and bustling place, the atmosphere is some how still very relaxed (after China, some times painfully relaxed, people walk SOOOO SLOOOOW and don't look where they are going...kind of like how mum always complains I walk, so sorry for years of torture there Mammabear!!), and yes the prevalence of English signs and speakers does make it an easy destination to tackle on our own.
I am very glad it is this City the Darragh has met us in, though Libby and I are getting on great- in fact being with the tour highlighted just how much we prefer our company to others (its actually a bit sad, not only are we finishing each others sentences, we can start them now to!) but its nice to have the opportunity of my own space (my own bed room!!! hostel upgraded me, to a double room, free...point one in my demise....) and I feel so at ease, and actually enjoy, wandering around in my own time on my own terms. A reaction to being with a tour I guess- I'm actually so excited to finally be in one place so long I have unpacked. Everything. I NEVER unpack!!!
So to celebrate (...well...any excuse we could think of really, we chose to focus on) Darragh's impending arrival, Libby and I pronounced day one in Hong Kong a day of pampering...well it was meant to be one treatment, and then they were so cheep that we thought it'd be rude not to get two, then I got so over excited by what a good friend I was being, all this moral support helping her prepare for her man's arrival and all, and demanded we get our hair done. This all sounds travelling folk...but it really did only amount to about 30 quid and absolute bliss.
This, and Libby's cries of "Hong Kong LOVES us!!!" (there is a Starbucks next to the hostel) should have made me suspicious...but no I went all out, whole hog, and this is where I was punished. About FOUR HOURS LATER, many many people had gone into that hair dressers and been transformed into people with very cool slick black hair cuts and styles, Libby included. Now I don't know if its pure blondest discrimination, or maybe jealousy at my growing fan base I was telling you all about, but what did I get? Little miss blondie?
A BOWL CUT AND HAIR THE COLOUR OF.....well I don't know really its TOO hideous to describe...Libby termed it a dirty blonde/grey... actually...horrifyingly... I....gulp....think it might have
In winter.
When there is no sun to aid my cause.
And I remember why bleach is such a happy invention, not just as it gives me soo much of an excuse for soo much!!
So while Hong Kong may love Libby, so far it has robbed me of my claim to fame, and my sleeping bag. Still, with a good head for priorities, I rushed straight out and invested in a lot of die and A LOT of clips, and am now sporting a rather fetching (?) Gothic blackish look. This could be fine had it been voluntary, or aided by the wonder that is hair products (oh the new found respect of the surrey gal). It wasn't and isn't. Humph.
It has however apparently given me a great I'm sure being brunette now I should know how the hell that works.
Oh dear I have rather buggered on, yet managed to skillfully avoid telling you what I've actually been doing, apart from pampering and pitying myself. Maybe I'll disguise giving you a break as leaving you in suspense, till I fill you in at the end of Hong Kong. Assuming that is that there are no more misshapes in the our booking a sunset Harbour and Victoria Peak tour to celebrate the lovely weather we were having, till we handed our money over, which is literally when the fog set in.
Oooh Aaaah, what a view!
The story so far....!
China as a country is a complete juxtaposition, in its entirety. In the towns and cities dwellings seem to be made of apparently near dilapidated buildings, whilst in smaller more rural, out of the way places, buildings are gleaming white. New is always placed next to old, beautiful, next to unsightly, traditional next to modern...actually modern completely bastardising traditional-there was a Starbucks in the Forbidden City for goodness sake, THE FORBIDDEN CITY OF THE GREAT MING DYNASTY HAS A STAR BUCKS IN SIDE IT!!!
There are also very very dark, sinister undercurrents very much apparent in the running of the country, news, TV and internet (and probably now this email) are still very much censored. One of guides told us the story of his wife having to go into hiding for the first 6 months of her second pregnancy for fear of the governmental spies finding her and... eradicating the problem. While they have finally introduced contraception as a means of backing the governmetal regime of one child families (two if you are from the suitable background), which is very much advertised through smiling bill boards (yet another contradiction of the reality of the situation) it is seemingly not free or easy to find.
The government's position on many things such as religion and communism V's capitalism, Taiwan, religion, sexuality etc etc seems amenable, but again is all lead by the steady stream of the undercurrent.
Another of our guides seemed unable to answer many of our questions when she showed us around Tiananman later transcribed that in fact many of the street sellers with in the square are actually working for the government and a ready to alert the guards if a foot is put wrong, especially with questions regarding Chairman Mao. Dark, all very very dark.
But oblivious to all that, its been lovely!! I spent my birthday up the Great Wall (all be it a bit sickly and sorry for myself), have seen the Terracotta Warriors- all 8000 of them, had crafted in about 200BC. I've trekked mountains to reach monasteries, seen many a temple, been to beautiful parks where people do what they love with the people they love in complete abandonment (thai chi, ball room dancing, other dances, chanting, singing, playing instruments and games; its just beautiful, so atmospheric). I may have plotted the abduction of one or two beautiful panda cubs in a reserve (Er...and children for that matter...puppies, and the occasional kitten), been harassed by monkeys, seen an 80 foot high Buddha, sailed the Yangzi River and its gorges (AGAIN a bit sickly and sorry for myself), bathed in wine (amongst other things) flavoured sulphuric pools and had a session of cupping (OUCH) and massage (YUM).
I am also, unsurprisingly of course, a bit of a celebrity over here. Some, more jealous folk, may try to simplify it by putting it down to the colour of my hair but I know the truth. People do have a tendency to point and stare and take photos (all very well...sort of...except on those days of feeling sickly and sorry for myself, when it seems to be exceptionally rife). I have actually gotten a little too comfortable with it and started, out of the kindness of my down-to-earth, unaffected heart, posing for these photos. This rather bit me on the bottom when it became clear that one guy actually, just wanted the scene behind me....oooops!
Only me!!!
All in all, a non too shabby trip thus far...the only thing that really worries me is, despite booking the "intrepid" tour, NOT the "comfort" tour, we really have been roughing it the way people expect surrey girl to...what happens when we are thrust, blinking into the big wide word on our own....
Wish us luck!!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
21st October, last night in london....
...when we're locked up in a Thai jail...
...singing an ode to the wonder bra...
...Madonna style!!
Cant wait to see you all there
C x

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Two weddings and my funeral
I have actually rather surpassed myself on the surrey wives front recently, with multiple weddings and a day at the races daaling! (….My use of the same dress for all of the above, not to mention my chosen method of making an entrance rather negates that effect though I’m afraid…)
It’s Thursday night. The races (Glorious Goodwood) are tomorrow, I’m heading that way tonight, but just need to “pop” (those are famous last words if ever I heard some) to Kingston first, as I’m down an outfit, shoes and accessories. Ah yes the military precision that is me strikes again. It is gone 12 when Hattie and I eventually arrive at the sea side, but I am now one very beautiful and very bargainous out fit up- AND it was from a proper shop NOT a supermarket OR even Primark- Monsoon no less. I feel I surpassed myself.And I did. I passed the whole day, on a healthy diet of fruit salad (err, mixed heavily with pimms), I didn’t fall, I didn’t spit, I didn’t insult anyone…I don’t think…no more than usual anyway….I even won some money!!! Granted my £2 didn’t quite cut it next to the £100 that seemed to be the group average (you all know how averages work, imagine what it would’ve been had it not been for my brilliance) but hey, beggars, choosers and all that! Was too surprised by my general levels of sophistication to complain really, besides which I didn’t spill ANYTHING down my wedding allocated dress-SCORE!!

It all changed very rapidly the next day.
Well trekking a near enough 2 hour trip home the morning after a day like that is a rookie mistake enough as it is…even before you add the not one, but TWO weddings I had to attend that day into the equation…
…It was destined to be interesting; and 5 min before kick off I was still stuck on the motorway so it certainly seemed to be heading that way. To my relief, after running every attempted red light going, before missing my turning and doing a (not very surrey wife, though very surrey rich bored boy racer) U-turn in the middle of Epsom high street, I screeched gracefully into the road the church was in, abandoned Vikki and went running to wards the church. Obviously I’m carrying my shoes ‘cause hello, you try driving in them! Hand in hand with the running and clutching of things I’ve got my shawl half grabbed half flailing behind me in my tail winds, same hand desperately trying to keep my beautiful mermaid like bodice up, whilst the other is clutching at my hat type accessory. But its ok, I made it, up ahead of me I see the wedding party, having a few pre-ceremony photos. Again, SCORE!!

But then I realise, I cant be as uncouth as to run through the photo’s thereby ruining them and distracting the bride, so, still clutching everything (just about) I make the far more sensible, and subtle, decision to dive over the shrubbery in the corner of the grounds, running diagonally across them and dashing through the door-naturally unnoticed. Such was the grace and agility with which I was moving that I barley notice the rather bemused looking usher manning the order of service table, until after I’d slammed into the chapel door. Obviously these are essential- wouldn’t want to embarrass myself now would I, so I do what can only be described as a hand break turn, grab one, hiss at the poor boy (it was meant to be thank you but not entirely sure the effect was achieved thanks to all the running, dashing and diving) and burst (all the way) through the chapel doors.

Still shoeless and clutching my hair, boobs, and half my shawl I register my work buddies, looking very happy to see me, all smiles in my direction…in fact, I also register that the whole church is actually glass fronted, which is nice as it means all the external grounds, and the timid usher can be seen by the congregation- more so because rather than being arranged in rows, they are arranged in a large circle around a central alter, which-is-nice, as it means EVERYBODY can see EVERYTHING. Everybody is certainly seeing me right now-even the man filming the official video.
Then I realise my friends are so excited to see me they are ushering me over and trying to tell me something- probably how suave I look...
“Come here, sit down, pull your top up and put your shoes on you’re on camera!!” I’m glad we were in God’s house or I don’t think the sentence would’ve quite ended there. Rushing to adhere to my orders and stop breathing like a pervert I check to see the status of the impending bridal entry when it dawns on me….not only am I wearing no shoes half a dress and a floppy hair do, I AM WEARING EXACTLY THE SAME COLOUR SCHEME AS THE WEDDING PARTY!!!!

(she's obviously nervous my
entrance would upstage hers, same dress'n'all)
Good thing we all got lost on the way to the park where the photos were being taken, at least it will be our little secret! least it was a good thing...until the call was made for a Freemantles photo and the bride thought we’d all ditched her for a better offer…lest that meant she was actually pleased to see us at the reception…bet a lot of brides don’t think that about a lot of people.
Mmmm best to leave that there then….on to the next! Far less eventful I’m afraid, picked Mr Martin up who was so well scrubbed up that I wouldn’t let him go and we spent much of the night in our own little bubble, while my buddies looked on giggling like they still went to school, not worked there!!!

(Err, in my mind that’s what happened….in reality the sweet smiles of support were probably them laughing at his desperate cries for help and attempts to burst my little rose tinted bubble!!! Let’s not be fussy though eh). Either way, needless to say the yummy boy was met with much approval, so brownie points all round! I took him to the beach a few days later as his treat.

He hates the beach.
Oooooops x
The end of an era
It’s awesome.
Ding dong the witch is dead.
The perky, preppy pop princess is dead.
Take a moment.....
Friday, August 11, 2006
Anne Summers for the Surrey Wife
It’s at mine on Friday 25th Aug at 8pm. Its the bank holiday, and the weekend Mars comes out to play so if anyone would care to join me for a not so surrey wife experience in the form of a weekend’s camp out afterwards in the Surrey Hills/by the beach (undecided) let me know!
Be great to see you all there so RSVP!! (The answer is YES!!!)
Shocking but true
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Camera loves you daaaalingz!

PS: if (or when) we go missing on our travels we'd like the two at the top as opposed to as lovely photos from Rowan thanks!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
To fly or to buy, that is the question?!
As I’m sure you can ascertain it’s been a tough last few weeks. Once I’d returned for sunning myself in St Tropez and the South Coast for the majority of the month I was first whisked away to a health spa and then off to the Marquee section of Wimbledon. Yes that is right folks LA-DE-DA!!!!
My last 2 residential trips have been nothing if not a bizarre contrast of each other. The trip with the adults to Dorset (not Devon!!) was frightening in how relaxed it was- I got to eat, sleep, UNPACK, wash- all the luxuries of an actual holiday! Though the down side to going away with a lady who’s tourettes manifest’s itself as highly abusive verbals is the development of quick a large complex, quite quickly.
The following week I was off to Pagham again. This trip I had been conned into by the soon-to-be-head’s cunning managerial tactic of waiting until you are about to (literally) be shat on, attacked (bitten, scratched, used as target practice etc) or loose a small collection of children to call after you “Oh, I can I just ask one small favour….” Before you know it peace is restored and you have the situation under control, then the sickening feeling that it may have something to do with the fact you just blurted out “YES!!!!!” to get rid of her….but what to….. Well in my case it was to a trip (luckily I could only be conned into ½ or it!) with the other most notorious class. Quick synopsis, Bogna beach is actually very picturesque at 5 am when empty-though this maybe due to the delirium of being woken at 3? As for the bruises and bald patches, I think they speak for themselves! Actually again I couldn’t help but enjoy it…..except when it rained. It did. Quite a bit. Then we lost the keys for the other MUCH NEEDED caravan. Oh dear I’m starting to curl into a foetal position, so onto Surrey Wives….
After me, supposedly last trip away, what a better treat than a hen party… a health spa!! It was tough, I must say, because you had to walk all the way from the pool to the treatment rooms or sun terraced, which was nothing if not disappointing! IT do was held at The Manor House Hotel on the outskirts of Guilford and I must say the manager should be fired. But before he is ladies get down there and take advantage of the fact he seems to want to run the place into the ground! The treatment prices where more reasonable than they’d be in a salon, an over night stay including dinner and breakfast was £53. Anything from the dinner menu could be selected, prices per course went up to £25, breakfast was worth £10 and they didn’t charge us for our buffet lunch £6 or daytime spa drinks which day visitors have to pay about £1 a pop for. It was hot. We guzzled. So all in all I’d say they paid us to stay there! Needless to say we had an amazing time. The only downer was Sam the night porter who was very clearly very down on hen parties/women out unaccompanied by men and having the audacity to not only drink, but to enjoy themselves. Oh and the ever so suave Ben who dared join our table then proceeded to charm us with such lines as “I work for the Government, but cant tell you what I do. Would you like to guess? Guess. Well how old do you think I look? Government, government, PHD in zoology (very relevant to), government, government, Oxford, polo, hunting, blablablabla.” YUK!! He was a little meeker at breakfast the next day, perhaps it was something to do with his very poetic turn half way up the stair to bid us all “Bon nuit.”
Then there was Wimbledon. Well I just don’t really know quite how to describe the member’s enclosure, free flowing food, champers, pimms, and a lot of highly amusing people really having trouble with that awful decision we’ve all face at some point I’m sure:
What one does when one must fly to the south of France so regularly for parties Daaaling; does one buy the jet or just the air time? One once had to fly Easy-or should I say Cattle-Jet. One found it ghastly, especially having to hide all evidence of orange labels before one arrived.
Mmmm….One wasn’t impressed that my jewellery was fake (yeah because if it wasn’t it would’ve been over £50,000 and that is reasonable tennis attire!) so my guess was that one would have been equally displeased to hear that much of my outfit was bought in ASDA and that, in fact, a 1 penny flight to France with Ryan Air suits me just fine. Rather than make my dirty confessions I though I’d take the higher road and walk off in disgust (the arrival of the snorting laughter was immanent). So I did. With my head held high…
…and my skirt tucked in to my knickers.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Ah but who should be proudest....?!

Before you get ever so slightly too cocky about how suave and sophisticated you present your self when drunk in front of a camera may I remind you of such gem poses as......
I don’t think I can say any more except Harrie- you have actual jokes....?! Well then I am intrigued....
(NB: those things you keep sprouting are NOT jokes, just because that’s what it says on the cracker does not make it true, first clue, if you have to explain it away as being funny, its not.)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sun Sea and the simple life
So since we last spoke I was struggling with having to go stay with Emily near St Tropez for the week- luckily I had the Westside Pony to keep me company and keep me strong!! I had an amazing time. Just what the doctor ordered, very chilled out, very sunny and I don’t actually think I stopped eating- for the duration. I did discover a shocking fact though- in St Maxime it is possible to spend more than what you paid for your flight, lounging on a sun lounger at a beach bar for the afternoon....granted I did fly Bile air (Ryan for those of you who've had the sense to miss it) but still it wasn't fun when the bill came!!!
The first day, as usual was rather cold and wet, yes that’s right the first rain the area had had in months (I t

Then I arrived home to three solid weeks of being paid to go on holiday-with only the weekends off....which thus far have consisted of BBQ's on the beach with Hattie, the last official night at uni, Libby's birthday party and next week a hen party at a health spa- another rung up the surrey wife ladder there me thinks!!
Last week was spent in Pagham with one of the classes from the school I work at, and mostly consisted of lounging on the beach-but being paid for it!! And who says you need a degree to get a good job?! There were a few tricky moments and I should note that lounging on the beach in high wind when you've had about 3 hours sleep's actually not all that fun! But to be fair that was a one off and I was amazed that despite being England and despite being one of the most notorious classes the week passed relatively sun soaked and hitch free with no body escaping and on the whole all the children sleeping well....for them....not for me!!!
Next week I believe (ya ya I'm such a jet setter now daaling that it’s so easy to loose track!) I'm off to Devon with two of the guys from the adults home I work at, can't wait...however also currently cant pack as due to general levels of being awol this weekend all my washing is fairly wet and fairly smelly. Oooops.
An awesome night was had by all at Libby's-as always!

Much of the evening was taken up with some of the finest sex in the city impressions I have seen in a while, strutting down the street in shades, heels (except me who was crippled from the night before) and designeresque dresses- a good effort ladies!! Then still feeling a little fragile from the night before, and rather lost with out my heels (especially as all Libby and her friends are fairly model-ishious and A LOT taller than me anyway, and besides which who can dance in flats?!?) I collared one of Libby's friends the new mature look Martin (as opposed to the Monkee of back in the day I was originally introduced to!) and proceeded to talk his ear off for most of the night, still I had Martin!!!
Just to cap off my slightly pickled liver feeling this morning I spent about an hour looking over photos of Mum the dog and I which she had taken using one of those free vouchers. I was slightly surprised that even in my squeamish state I actually quite liked some of them-virtually unheard of for me- however the bargain prices soon put me off. Call me tight but wannabe Surrey Wife or not I am not paying £1000 for one picture!!!
My promised & no doubt anticipated ode to Harrie...Grab your tissues its rather touching

There once was a beauty called Harrie
Who spent much of her time happy as Larry
She told rather poor jokes

And when hungover sounds more like a Barry!!
The style she possesses is iconic
Though when drunk she seems a little demonic

She's a friend and a half
When you need cheering up she's the tonic!!!
Love you Harrie....Though I want it noted that being hungover and blonde are not a poet laureate winning combination....mmm maybe that didn't need spelling out?!?
Wonders of Westside
Saturday, May 27, 2006
In a nut shell....
Highlights must include finally finishing uni, after blagging my way through four years, a dissertation, research project and 5 exams; I can conclusively say I got a first!!! Ok that is purely in that it is my first degree that I have, and will, ever complete, making it in its self a first and that therefore is all that needs to be said about grades and any other dirty words you may think of to bring down my high!!
Finished three days ago and will let you know when I sober up and we are all safe of such imagery!!
Other than that I have acquired myself a new roomie, not one of the stinky boy variety I'm pleased to say, but one of the long lost friends from college variety. Her name is Jodie and as I'm sure you can ascertain when we are together it is nothing but intellectual, serious debate after debate, constantly putting the world to rights and political discussions are rife...
...Though today I was a teeny bit perturbed to arrive home to The Star and The Sun, now for all my Heat & OK loving need for gossip I'm not sure even I'd go that far.....could the honey moon period be over....or is it perhaps that we are being infiltrated by her man and his love of foot ball (and most probably scantily clad ladies)....?!?
I have been on dates since I last ranted to you all-
-One consisting of a bathroom cabinet FULL of baby oil and condoms....its not my perfect combination but each to their own and all...just not on my second date please, I'd like to think I'm still a little bit of an old fashioned kinda gal.
-Another date gate crashed my girlie lunch then proceeded to tell me of the joys of hunting.
Needless to say I have not found my next big romance with either of those charming chaps. However of late Soldier boy has been back in touch, not that he was ever particularly not bless him, and it seems he's headed back to these fair shores, the verdict is out on what to do about that humdinger, though no doubt the conundrum will be further discussed here.
Speaking of love, the marvellous Miss Brodie and myself went on a day of educational fun through London town in Feb, and after indulging in a bit of light paedophilic theatre, (a popular choice for a matinee- especially with the geriatric years it would seem....rather disturbingly....all the more disturbing during the sex scene....mmm) a few art galleries and a typical ladies what lunch session, what should we stumble across but Piccadilly’s answer to Woodstock.
Evidently we've had enough of the commercialism behind Valentines Day and have decided to RECLAIM LOVE, or, get dressed up, hippy and high in the streets of London all the while indulging in some crazy dancing, fire throwing and light graffiti. LOVE IT! So Reclaim Love we did...
two surrey gals with heels and handbags fitting right in damn it...

Have also been to St Tropez to visit my darling Emily...Twice....martyr that I am off there next week as well, poor me, must I slum it, and so soon after my exams, what ever happened to celebrating?! Perhaps I should share my agony in its entirety upon my return, but for now I will leave you with this (taken in Feb).

Pray for me
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Isn't it Ironic....?!
So I’m single for the first valentines for 4 years, so the evil ex’s rearing his ugly head around these here parts for the first time since I moved him out and he got carted off to Devon months ago. It’s all good I’m fine with all that.
However, clearly unimpressed by my cool calm and obviously sophisticated approach to events I pulled out my gun and aimed directly at my foot-point blank range no less. I some how seem to have managed to arrange to spend the day with him, yes by THE day I mean valentines. Really how do I do it, surely this amount of stupidity requires some planning but no I’m just a natural!! Happy days.
So having ordered my self 3 bunches of flowers, 2 boxes of chocolates, 12 cards, all set to arrive around the time he comes to get the last of his stuff, it now remains for me to beg you all to help me look popular and loved (and yes thank you it is just as effective even if you do HAVE to beg) by calling and texting me all day long. K? Oh and if you could have wiped the laugher/smirk/happy combination off your face before hand that’d be great to.
Thanks all- oh and HAPPY VALENTINES
(....said with a fully sincere smile!!)
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Never under estimate the power of the sea breeze...specially if its blown in from Russia!!
Ok it wasnt my favourite Saturday night ever and it did make me appreciate that some times a sea breeze just isnt such a good thing (specially when the temp hits -2 with out it, and it has blown straight in from Russia) but Im afraid I did actually have quite a good time. I know it'd be far more exciting if I came back with double pneumonia, but all I got was a stark confirmation of the reality of how horrible it must be to live on the streets, and with that, far increased respect and compassion for those who really have no other option. Those who cant get up and walk away, go home to a hot bubble bath after a bad night out, those whose home is that bad night out.
Armed with half our wardrobes, thick coats, hats & gloves, sleeping bags, bin liners (contra banned hot water bottles-shhh!) torches and snacks, it was clear that we were not one of the groups of participants who had actually at one point or another lived out on the streets (who had one box, one bag and not a grumble to be heard, unlike us moaning wrecks!) as we set up our luxury accommodation for the night.
As you can see we chose what can only be describes as the prime location by the bin and the drain pipe, providing a beautiful je ne say quoi to the ambiance, through sound, smell and MICE!!
Night kicked off with a goodnight pep talk from the organisers, where I was surprised to see the mayor had turned up to actually do his part, not all robed and bejewelled but actually ready to join us and sleep out.or as it turns out wait till we were all asleep before making his escape in the small hours!!
After the talk everyone actually drifted off to their various camps and went to sleep! Bit disappointing, having watched too much TV & been a girl scout, I had visions of us all joining together, lighting a fire maybe laughing and joking telling ghost stories and the like till sun up!
Ah well you could of course count on our corner to keep it raucous, however there are only so many rounds of word association that can keep you amused! Snuggled in our sleeping bags it was actually quite warm and I think we all managed to catch some Zs or get cosy with our books.
My only downfall was when the wind ripped the bin liners off my sleeping bag leaving the dew to settle straight on it and soak through. Having cocooned myself in it with only a hole big enough to breath from (I felt like I shouldve had a snorkel sticking out!!) I was oblivious to the wetness and insisted on rolling over and over to try to get warmor just spread the wetso by about 5am I was pretty unimpressed, as this pic may suggest...
(here she is the beautiful butterfly being rudely awoken from her slumber by the cold and cameraclearly she was not ready to come out of her cocoon yet!!)
Tip for next year, cardboard boxes to lie on AND under!! So then it was home to thaw out and off to work. Happy days.
On behalf of all involved I would like to take a moment to marvel at the wonderful people who created thermal underwear (attractive and practical).
So here it is, the morning after shot, we all made it!

Sleepout under the stars
Please excuse this blog, it is I'm afraid, a shamelessly bold faced begging letter...
On Sat 28th Jan I am doing a "sponsored sleep out" to raise money for Worthing Churches Homeless Projects, and was hoping that you lovely people would dig deep and sponsor me!?!?
WCHP is a charity (No: 1027832) local to Worthing which works with over 500 people every year. It provides vital services by offering food, warmth security, accommodation and specialist help to those who are in need. They rely on donations and voluntary support received from the wider community, hence the slumber party under the stars!!Please tell your friends and family, the guy who sits opposite you on the train even (I am not fussy or proud...just would like my hypothermia to be worth it for someone!!!!)
If you would like to sponsor me (thank you thank you thank you) just let me know your full name, how much and your house name/number & full post code so I can put it on the form, also specify if you would like/are eligible to have your donation treated as gift aid. All these details enable the charity to reclaim tax from the sponsorship.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
Hope to see you all soon
Its all about me me me me
2) Want to be?: Mmm.enjoying it, its been a while but no, I think the novelty is wearing off now!!
3) Your birthday?: 28.10.83
4) Age you act?: Teehee about 12! I can be matureish at a stretch maybe?!
5) Age you wish you were?: At least 21 again, currently having a mid life crisis at having turned 22! Actually Id be back in college, that rocked.18.
6) Your height?: Teeny, 5 nothing- 2 at the most
7) The color of your eyes?: Bluey, change colour depending on my mood, pretty exciting
8) The color of your hair?: Er also changes colour depending on my mood!!!
9) Your living arrangement?: Me, my cat and my secret roomie in the Palace du Palmer!
10) Your family?: Me and my mammabear!!
11) What's your job?: Professional student (eternal gap year student to be precise) and special needs support in a school and a home.
12) Piercings?: 8-quite the human sieve! Nice.
13) Tattoos?: Just the 1, not a human colouring in book as yet
14) Obsessions?: The sky, stars, sea, singing
15) Have a favorite quote?: I dont want to be rich I just want to be fabulous!!
16) Do you live in the moment?: Try to, will do when I travel-live by the dice
17) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Try to be but dont like being pushed/piss taken, or seeing it happen to others, that tends to lower tolerance levels.
18) Do you have any secrets?: Oh yes
19) What is the compliment you get most from people?: My what pretty eyes you have
20) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: The adventures of calamity Carys or Bridgette Jones Origional Diary!!
21) What's your biggest fear?: Not ever knowing real true 100 assionate and requited love or regretting things I havent done, not having at least attempted all my dreams
22) Are you a daredevil?: Sometimes, suffer somewhat from all-talk-itus though, a tragic case 23) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Mmm I think I am loyal, caring and so want to see the best in people and make them happy, fight for & support them. This works either way though definite strength and weakness.
24) If you could change one thing about yourself?: Myself!! ...mmm...Maybe it would be more practical if I could change the thought that I need to!
25) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Rose-tinted me? What do you think?! LOVE every time
26) How do you vent anger?: Singlotsand loud, mostly while drivingfast. Ive also found my phone taking the brunt of my anger, through walls etc
27) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Ive surprised myself at times
28) Do you think life has been good so far?: Its been educational!!! Ha-ha really I cant complain. Its what made me me!! (oh dear maybe you all should complain then!)
29) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: People will surprise you if you let them- and you should
30) What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes I guess
31) And least?: My knees!!! (And the bits in-between there and my eyes)
32) Do you think you are good looking?: Ha thats sweet
33) What is the fictional character you'd most like to be?: The little mermaid, Ariel
34) Do people know how you feel?: When I want them to
35) Are you perceived wrongly?: Can be, mostly by people I dont want to, bit of a bugger!
36) Smoke?: Fraid so
37)Do drugs?: No. They do sod all for me
38) Drive?: Love it
39) Like to drive fast?: The police seem to think so. Just being picky I say!
40) Liked your voice?: Performing or chatting? Singing & performing yes, like audiences reaction to it anyway. Talking no!! Hate it
41) Been out of the country?: Thank god yes
42) Been unfaithful?: I kissed someone else when I was 13 but how strict are we being here?!?! Im going with no, I think its one of the worst things you could do to someone so dont intend to either! Eragain.
43) Been in love?: Yes
44) Gone skinny dipping?: I think I kept me knickers on! (what a statement)
45) Had a surgery?: Yes
46)Ran away from home?: In as much as any surrey gal would, ran straight to back of the garden!! ....mum clocked me, thought I was some sort of intruder and called police!!!
47) Played strip poker?: It would be cruel of me to try it; Im no good at cards.
48) Gotten beaten up?: Thank god no but its gonna be nasty when it happens, Id imagine my fighting style to be something like Jack from Will & Graces
49) Been picked on?: Still am! Have started trying to get in there first, give the rest of the world a break!!
50) Been on stage?: Yup
51) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: To be honest I dont know but wouldnt be surprised!! 52) Slept outdoors?: Love it
53) Pulled an all-nighter?: Erg always
54) If yes, what is your record?: About 3 nights maybe
55) Talked on the phone all night?: Yes!
56) Thought you're going crazy?: More regularly than the all nighter!
57) Kissed the same sex?: Yeah
58) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Other than that no
59) Been betrayed?: Yup
60) Had a dream that came true?: Yeah but it was about a school assembly so I feel abit cheated by the grande cosmos to be honest!
61) Been on radio/TV?: Been filmedbut always cut! (mmm again feeling kinda cheated)
62) Had a dream that kept coming back?: My only ever nightmare has happened four times. Dont really remember it but it was horrid and about my mummy
63) What are you normally wearing to school?: Depends which class Im working with but have found that baggy old tat is the way forwards!
64) Wear hats?: Oh yes, I look ridiculous in em but love em!! I have no shame, its overrated anyway
65) Wear make-up?: Im all about the war paint
66) Favorite place to shop?: Cheap n cheerful, bargain central, probably primark and asda to be pikey but honest!!
67) Favorite article of clothing?: My accessories, Im a girl what can you do, I love a bit of sparkle!
68) Are you trendy?: Er hello are we not paying attention, I wear sparkly baggy old tat from asda where I believe my exact words!!!
69) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: Should I say that again?!?!
70) Believe in life on other planets?: Yup
71) Miracles?: Yup
72) Astrology?: The proper stuff yup
73) Magic?: More witchy stuff than Houdini
74) God?: Na, fraid not.
75) Ghosts?: Yup
76) Luck?: Not for me hell no!
77) Love at first sight?: Dont know...mmm...connections at firtst sight yes. Need to know some one to love them I think
78) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: YesI hope so!! It definitely is in my rosy bubble world
79) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Those damn leprechauns keep moving it, bloody Irish tightarses!!
80) Do you wish on stars?: Always (worked once, and in a slightly more impressive way than the school assembly dream coming true thing!)
LOVE, and all that...
81) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: Haha no why would I, everyone knows that not only do I have the figure and mentality of Bridgette Jones but I have her love life to!!
82) Do you remember your first love?: Yes
83) Do you consider love a mistake?: Never, not matter how shitty it may end up youll always learn from it and really appreciate true love when you find it because of it.
84) What do you find romantic?: The little things that show youve listened, or thought about it, made effort etc
85) Turn-on?: As above, plus good eyes and arms & hands and nice kisses
86) Turn-off?: Bad/dirty hands, teeth and smells!!
87) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: Went on blind date, it was hilarious PLUS I got a free lunch and a cool friend out of it!!
88) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Didn't realise it wasn't particularly but still, hell no, scary stuff!
89) What is best about the opposite sex?: Man huggles!! Mmm and their smell
90) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: ErgMEN!!! Actually the fact theres 1 rule for them and 1 (generally far less fun rule) for us and their complete inability to be straight and just say exactly what they mean or do exactly what they say! ErgMEN!!!!
91) Are you in love?: Naaa
92) Do you consider your significant other hot?: Mmmm the man I kinda slightly want to be my significant other certainly is scrummy; does that count, being a poor lonesome singleton and all?!?
New year started as I ment to go on...slobby and smelly yeah!!
Feeling that this is actually the lamest form of procrastination EVER; as I know full well the only one of my ooh six friends on this thing (three of whom are bands my bud signed me up for, I know nothing about, not that he's a shameless plugger but, just to please him... Go forth and listen to RUBEN, JENNIFER YELLOW HAT and THIS ILLUSION and buy ALL their albums, singles & general paraphernalia....TWICE....NOW!!!) who actually reads this stuff is my cousin (hello Vanessa, love you miss you!) and that was only the once anyway....out of sheer boredom....that I doubt I helped!!! Anyhew, not one to give up I will press on regardless....
Sooo I gather new years is over. Hope everyone had crazy fun, but is aware that it was all in fact mere propaganda & a conspiracy to boost booze sales, there is NOOO WAY the year went that quick!! Either way, not one to refuse any excuse for a shin dig me and my two bestest ever buddies ...

...had an AMAZING TIME at a charity ball held for two fundraising geniuses to raise money for their travels and charity work…apparently…luckily we all had such a great time that not too many questions were asked!!

Random moments of the night include comforting some tears at dawn running into random man type playing BOPIT (of all games) in a BUSH (of all places)…of course upon this discovery he was dragged at once into marquee to share the games joys!

And arriving home and emptying my bag to discover it had some how become filled with Smarties…which not one of us can explain…only smarties have the answer (ba-boom cha!)

The rest of the 1st of Jan is one big haze of slobbing it, whilst smelling suitably disgusting sitting in my lounge/a pit of duvet, random shit food (delights including muchos chocolate and macaroni cheese-not together…I don’t think…though it is possible…there was at one point discussion of eating the xmas tree…of course….luckily we were too mesmerised by the pretty lights on it & besides that would have required movement!) Well a mere 5 days later and I have managed to drag myself out of my pit and back to work…via a very hot long shower…eventually!! Haha how HOTT hot is this lady?!

mmmm I think the photo's say it all.
Christmas fun for all the family
Presumably if you are reading this you must be more bored than I am so I'd like to take this opportunity to commiserate before moving swiftly on to wish you all a very merry Christmas! I hope you all had a great time, I certainly did, up in lovely Leicester.
The main reason for my posting this blog, other than general time wasting and soul sapping of course, is I have a slight I know full well no Christmas is complete with out a little family arguing and a lot of family boozing, but when I finally got home (5hours after leaving L'ster...Hope you all enjoyed the sales guys. gggrrr) and sank in my bath I realised I am actually covered, shoulders down in big black painful, yet entirely unexplainable bruises. The puzzling part is while there was plenty of family bickering and boozing I was generally that annoying smug one, sat in the corner, watching it all, stirring and chuckling away to myself, so unless someone sought revenge in the middle of my sleep....mmm....I always thought my cousin had a nasty side....
Anyhew apart from that times were good, I have found an honest love for family festivities, who knew charades...ok not charades that sucked (I sucked truth be told) but general family board games where sooo much god damn fun!?!?! ok I knew there was a reason for my freaking out at birthday times these days, still sad or not I had a great time hanging out with the welsh constituents of my family. Great stuff.
And Santa taught me some very valuable lessons...He's not always kind to those who are good and BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, yes that's right, he took up my request for curling tongs!! Ah back to the good old days of looking like Shirley Temple!! My cousin said Marilyn Monroe, but I think its important to have respect for the dead! He was also, as most years generous with the booze, smellies and chocolates so 2006 will be a year of binging, bad hair and hangovers that require lounging in the bath!! Yippeee.
Oooh he also appears to have bought me a new neighbour!! Which is very exciting except that it means I'll have to learn to park in only one space, but it brings with it another conundrum... This mysterious person has a blue beetle with flames down the side!! Girlie car...Boy's touch, so which is it, a hottie who's just waiting to fall madly in love with me, or a hottie who lives with his gfriend..Or not a hottie at all, but, shock horror a girl?!? Boring. Either way they're clearly rather funky people. Like it.
I would also like to congratulate Mr. Sod with yet another astounding result for him and his bloody laws, as I woke, not on Christmas day but BOXING day to this...
