Presumably if you are reading this you must be more bored than I am so I'd like to take this opportunity to commiserate before moving swiftly on to wish you all a very merry Christmas! I hope you all had a great time, I certainly did, up in lovely Leicester.
The main reason for my posting this blog, other than general time wasting and soul sapping of course, is I have a slight I know full well no Christmas is complete with out a little family arguing and a lot of family boozing, but when I finally got home (5hours after leaving L'ster...Hope you all enjoyed the sales guys. gggrrr) and sank in my bath I realised I am actually covered, shoulders down in big black painful, yet entirely unexplainable bruises. The puzzling part is while there was plenty of family bickering and boozing I was generally that annoying smug one, sat in the corner, watching it all, stirring and chuckling away to myself, so unless someone sought revenge in the middle of my sleep....mmm....I always thought my cousin had a nasty side....
Anyhew apart from that times were good, I have found an honest love for family festivities, who knew charades...ok not charades that sucked (I sucked truth be told) but general family board games where sooo much god damn fun!?!?! ok I knew there was a reason for my freaking out at birthday times these days, still sad or not I had a great time hanging out with the welsh constituents of my family. Great stuff.
And Santa taught me some very valuable lessons...He's not always kind to those who are good and BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, yes that's right, he took up my request for curling tongs!! Ah back to the good old days of looking like Shirley Temple!! My cousin said Marilyn Monroe, but I think its important to have respect for the dead! He was also, as most years generous with the booze, smellies and chocolates so 2006 will be a year of binging, bad hair and hangovers that require lounging in the bath!! Yippeee.
Oooh he also appears to have bought me a new neighbour!! Which is very exciting except that it means I'll have to learn to park in only one space, but it brings with it another conundrum... This mysterious person has a blue beetle with flames down the side!! Girlie car...Boy's touch, so which is it, a hottie who's just waiting to fall madly in love with me, or a hottie who lives with his gfriend..Or not a hottie at all, but, shock horror a girl?!? Boring. Either way they're clearly rather funky people. Like it.
I would also like to congratulate Mr. Sod with yet another astounding result for him and his bloody laws, as I woke, not on Christmas day but BOXING day to this...

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