Ok it wasnt my favourite Saturday night ever and it did make me appreciate that some times a sea breeze just isnt such a good thing (specially when the temp hits -2 with out it, and it has blown straight in from Russia) but Im afraid I did actually have quite a good time. I know it'd be far more exciting if I came back with double pneumonia, but all I got was a stark confirmation of the reality of how horrible it must be to live on the streets, and with that, far increased respect and compassion for those who really have no other option. Those who cant get up and walk away, go home to a hot bubble bath after a bad night out, those whose home is that bad night out.
Armed with half our wardrobes, thick coats, hats & gloves, sleeping bags, bin liners (contra banned hot water bottles-shhh!) torches and snacks, it was clear that we were not one of the groups of participants who had actually at one point or another lived out on the streets (who had one box, one bag and not a grumble to be heard, unlike us moaning wrecks!) as we set up our luxury accommodation for the night.
As you can see we chose what can only be describes as the prime location by the bin and the drain pipe, providing a beautiful je ne say quoi to the ambiance, through sound, smell and MICE!!
Night kicked off with a goodnight pep talk from the organisers, where I was surprised to see the mayor had turned up to actually do his part, not all robed and bejewelled but actually ready to join us and sleep out.or as it turns out wait till we were all asleep before making his escape in the small hours!!
After the talk everyone actually drifted off to their various camps and went to sleep! Bit disappointing, having watched too much TV & been a girl scout, I had visions of us all joining together, lighting a fire maybe laughing and joking telling ghost stories and the like till sun up!
Ah well you could of course count on our corner to keep it raucous, however there are only so many rounds of word association that can keep you amused! Snuggled in our sleeping bags it was actually quite warm and I think we all managed to catch some Zs or get cosy with our books.
My only downfall was when the wind ripped the bin liners off my sleeping bag leaving the dew to settle straight on it and soak through. Having cocooned myself in it with only a hole big enough to breath from (I felt like I shouldve had a snorkel sticking out!!) I was oblivious to the wetness and insisted on rolling over and over to try to get warmor just spread the wetso by about 5am I was pretty unimpressed, as this pic may suggest...
(here she is the beautiful butterfly being rudely awoken from her slumber by the cold and cameraclearly she was not ready to come out of her cocoon yet!!)
Tip for next year, cardboard boxes to lie on AND under!! So then it was home to thaw out and off to work. Happy days.
On behalf of all involved I would like to take a moment to marvel at the wonderful people who created thermal underwear (attractive and practical).
So here it is, the morning after shot, we all made it!

you see? this really is the only way!
Loving the details of new years, bring on the pics!
By the way...you make the cutest hobo!
I have often thought that the true msg/lesson to be learned from these experiences is how to be the best dressed in adversity that you can be. Clearly as the only Surrey contigent the pressure was on but I am glad I suceeded. Cutest Hobo is deffo all I wanted to achieve...perhaps I should pioneer the look...Delralique hits our fair shores!!!
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