Feeling that this is actually the lamest form of procrastination EVER; as I know full well the only one of my ooh six friends on this thing (three of whom are bands my bud signed me up for, I know nothing about, not that he's a shameless plugger but, just to please him... Go forth and listen to RUBEN, JENNIFER YELLOW HAT and THIS ILLUSION and buy ALL their albums, singles & general paraphernalia....TWICE....NOW!!!) who actually reads this stuff is my cousin (hello Vanessa, love you miss you!)...er and that was only the once anyway....out of sheer boredom....that I doubt I helped!!! Anyhew, not one to give up I will press on regardless....
Sooo I gather new years is over. Hope everyone had crazy fun, but is aware that it was all in fact mere propaganda & a conspiracy to boost booze sales, there is NOOO WAY the year went that quick!! Either way, not one to refuse any excuse for a shin dig me and my two bestest ever buddies ...

...had an AMAZING TIME at a charity ball held for two fundraising geniuses to raise money for their travels and charity work…apparently…luckily we all had such a great time that not too many questions were asked!!

Random moments of the night include comforting some tears at dawn running into random man type playing BOPIT (of all games) in a BUSH (of all places)…of course upon this discovery he was dragged at once into marquee to share the games joys!

And arriving home and emptying my bag to discover it had some how become filled with Smarties…which not one of us can explain…only smarties have the answer (ba-boom cha!)

The rest of the 1st of Jan is one big haze of slobbing it, whilst smelling suitably disgusting sitting in my lounge/a pit of duvet, random shit food (delights including muchos chocolate and macaroni cheese-not together…I don’t think…though it is possible…there was at one point discussion of eating the xmas tree…of course….luckily we were too mesmerised by the pretty lights on it & besides that would have required movement!) Well a mere 5 days later and I have managed to drag myself out of my pit and back to work…via a very hot long shower…eventually!! Haha how HOTT hot is this lady?!

mmmm I think the photo's say it all.
1 comment:
I just cant get over how damn sophisticated we look.....hmmm xx
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