The musings, happenings and general whereabouts of an itchy footed soul and her very own Mr T, who think this world is wide and for exploring.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Isn't it Ironic....?!
So I’m single for the first valentines for 4 years, so the evil ex’s rearing his ugly head around these here parts for the first time since I moved him out and he got carted off to Devon months ago. It’s all good I’m fine with all that.
However, clearly unimpressed by my cool calm and obviously sophisticated approach to events I pulled out my gun and aimed directly at my foot-point blank range no less. I some how seem to have managed to arrange to spend the day with him, yes by THE day I mean valentines. Really how do I do it, surely this amount of stupidity requires some planning but no I’m just a natural!! Happy days.
So having ordered my self 3 bunches of flowers, 2 boxes of chocolates, 12 cards, all set to arrive around the time he comes to get the last of his stuff, it now remains for me to beg you all to help me look popular and loved (and yes thank you it is just as effective even if you do HAVE to beg) by calling and texting me all day long. K? Oh and if you could have wiped the laugher/smirk/happy combination off your face before hand that’d be great to.
Thanks all- oh and HAPPY VALENTINES
(....said with a fully sincere smile!!)
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Never under estimate the power of the sea breeze...specially if its blown in from Russia!!
Ok it wasnt my favourite Saturday night ever and it did make me appreciate that some times a sea breeze just isnt such a good thing (specially when the temp hits -2 with out it, and it has blown straight in from Russia) but Im afraid I did actually have quite a good time. I know it'd be far more exciting if I came back with double pneumonia, but all I got was a stark confirmation of the reality of how horrible it must be to live on the streets, and with that, far increased respect and compassion for those who really have no other option. Those who cant get up and walk away, go home to a hot bubble bath after a bad night out, those whose home is that bad night out.
Armed with half our wardrobes, thick coats, hats & gloves, sleeping bags, bin liners (contra banned hot water bottles-shhh!) torches and snacks, it was clear that we were not one of the groups of participants who had actually at one point or another lived out on the streets (who had one box, one bag and not a grumble to be heard, unlike us moaning wrecks!) as we set up our luxury accommodation for the night.
As you can see we chose what can only be describes as the prime location by the bin and the drain pipe, providing a beautiful je ne say quoi to the ambiance, through sound, smell and MICE!!
Night kicked off with a goodnight pep talk from the organisers, where I was surprised to see the mayor had turned up to actually do his part, not all robed and bejewelled but actually ready to join us and sleep out.or as it turns out wait till we were all asleep before making his escape in the small hours!!
After the talk everyone actually drifted off to their various camps and went to sleep! Bit disappointing, having watched too much TV & been a girl scout, I had visions of us all joining together, lighting a fire maybe laughing and joking telling ghost stories and the like till sun up!
Ah well you could of course count on our corner to keep it raucous, however there are only so many rounds of word association that can keep you amused! Snuggled in our sleeping bags it was actually quite warm and I think we all managed to catch some Zs or get cosy with our books.
My only downfall was when the wind ripped the bin liners off my sleeping bag leaving the dew to settle straight on it and soak through. Having cocooned myself in it with only a hole big enough to breath from (I felt like I shouldve had a snorkel sticking out!!) I was oblivious to the wetness and insisted on rolling over and over to try to get warmor just spread the wetso by about 5am I was pretty unimpressed, as this pic may suggest...
(here she is the beautiful butterfly being rudely awoken from her slumber by the cold and cameraclearly she was not ready to come out of her cocoon yet!!)
Tip for next year, cardboard boxes to lie on AND under!! So then it was home to thaw out and off to work. Happy days.
On behalf of all involved I would like to take a moment to marvel at the wonderful people who created thermal underwear (attractive and practical).
So here it is, the morning after shot, we all made it!

Sleepout under the stars
Please excuse this blog, it is I'm afraid, a shamelessly bold faced begging letter...
On Sat 28th Jan I am doing a "sponsored sleep out" to raise money for Worthing Churches Homeless Projects, and was hoping that you lovely people would dig deep and sponsor me!?!?
WCHP is a charity (No: 1027832) local to Worthing which works with over 500 people every year. It provides vital services by offering food, warmth security, accommodation and specialist help to those who are in need. They rely on donations and voluntary support received from the wider community, hence the slumber party under the stars!!Please tell your friends and family, the guy who sits opposite you on the train even (I am not fussy or proud...just would like my hypothermia to be worth it for someone!!!!)
If you would like to sponsor me (thank you thank you thank you) just let me know your full name, how much and your house name/number & full post code so I can put it on the form, also specify if you would like/are eligible to have your donation treated as gift aid. All these details enable the charity to reclaim tax from the sponsorship.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,
Hope to see you all soon
Its all about me me me me
2) Want to be?: Mmm.enjoying it, its been a while but no, I think the novelty is wearing off now!!
3) Your birthday?: 28.10.83
4) Age you act?: Teehee about 12! I can be matureish at a stretch maybe?!
5) Age you wish you were?: At least 21 again, currently having a mid life crisis at having turned 22! Actually Id be back in college, that rocked.18.
6) Your height?: Teeny, 5 nothing- 2 at the most
7) The color of your eyes?: Bluey, change colour depending on my mood, pretty exciting
8) The color of your hair?: Er also changes colour depending on my mood!!!
9) Your living arrangement?: Me, my cat and my secret roomie in the Palace du Palmer!
10) Your family?: Me and my mammabear!!
11) What's your job?: Professional student (eternal gap year student to be precise) and special needs support in a school and a home.
12) Piercings?: 8-quite the human sieve! Nice.
13) Tattoos?: Just the 1, not a human colouring in book as yet
14) Obsessions?: The sky, stars, sea, singing
15) Have a favorite quote?: I dont want to be rich I just want to be fabulous!!
16) Do you live in the moment?: Try to, will do when I travel-live by the dice
17) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Try to be but dont like being pushed/piss taken, or seeing it happen to others, that tends to lower tolerance levels.
18) Do you have any secrets?: Oh yes
19) What is the compliment you get most from people?: My what pretty eyes you have
20) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: The adventures of calamity Carys or Bridgette Jones Origional Diary!!
21) What's your biggest fear?: Not ever knowing real true 100 assionate and requited love or regretting things I havent done, not having at least attempted all my dreams
22) Are you a daredevil?: Sometimes, suffer somewhat from all-talk-itus though, a tragic case 23) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Mmm I think I am loyal, caring and so want to see the best in people and make them happy, fight for & support them. This works either way though definite strength and weakness.
24) If you could change one thing about yourself?: Myself!! ...mmm...Maybe it would be more practical if I could change the thought that I need to!
25) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: Rose-tinted me? What do you think?! LOVE every time
26) How do you vent anger?: Singlotsand loud, mostly while drivingfast. Ive also found my phone taking the brunt of my anger, through walls etc
27) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Ive surprised myself at times
28) Do you think life has been good so far?: Its been educational!!! Ha-ha really I cant complain. Its what made me me!! (oh dear maybe you all should complain then!)
29) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: People will surprise you if you let them- and you should
30) What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes I guess
31) And least?: My knees!!! (And the bits in-between there and my eyes)
32) Do you think you are good looking?: Ha thats sweet
33) What is the fictional character you'd most like to be?: The little mermaid, Ariel
34) Do people know how you feel?: When I want them to
35) Are you perceived wrongly?: Can be, mostly by people I dont want to, bit of a bugger!
36) Smoke?: Fraid so
37)Do drugs?: No. They do sod all for me
38) Drive?: Love it
39) Like to drive fast?: The police seem to think so. Just being picky I say!
40) Liked your voice?: Performing or chatting? Singing & performing yes, like audiences reaction to it anyway. Talking no!! Hate it
41) Been out of the country?: Thank god yes
42) Been unfaithful?: I kissed someone else when I was 13 but how strict are we being here?!?! Im going with no, I think its one of the worst things you could do to someone so dont intend to either! Eragain.
43) Been in love?: Yes
44) Gone skinny dipping?: I think I kept me knickers on! (what a statement)
45) Had a surgery?: Yes
46)Ran away from home?: In as much as any surrey gal would, ran straight to back of the garden!! ....mum clocked me, thought I was some sort of intruder and called police!!!
47) Played strip poker?: It would be cruel of me to try it; Im no good at cards.
48) Gotten beaten up?: Thank god no but its gonna be nasty when it happens, Id imagine my fighting style to be something like Jack from Will & Graces
49) Been picked on?: Still am! Have started trying to get in there first, give the rest of the world a break!!
50) Been on stage?: Yup
51) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: To be honest I dont know but wouldnt be surprised!! 52) Slept outdoors?: Love it
53) Pulled an all-nighter?: Erg always
54) If yes, what is your record?: About 3 nights maybe
55) Talked on the phone all night?: Yes!
56) Thought you're going crazy?: More regularly than the all nighter!
57) Kissed the same sex?: Yeah
58) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Other than that no
59) Been betrayed?: Yup
60) Had a dream that came true?: Yeah but it was about a school assembly so I feel abit cheated by the grande cosmos to be honest!
61) Been on radio/TV?: Been filmedbut always cut! (mmm again feeling kinda cheated)
62) Had a dream that kept coming back?: My only ever nightmare has happened four times. Dont really remember it but it was horrid and about my mummy
63) What are you normally wearing to school?: Depends which class Im working with but have found that baggy old tat is the way forwards!
64) Wear hats?: Oh yes, I look ridiculous in em but love em!! I have no shame, its overrated anyway
65) Wear make-up?: Im all about the war paint
66) Favorite place to shop?: Cheap n cheerful, bargain central, probably primark and asda to be pikey but honest!!
67) Favorite article of clothing?: My accessories, Im a girl what can you do, I love a bit of sparkle!
68) Are you trendy?: Er hello are we not paying attention, I wear sparkly baggy old tat from asda where I believe my exact words!!!
69) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: Should I say that again?!?!
70) Believe in life on other planets?: Yup
71) Miracles?: Yup
72) Astrology?: The proper stuff yup
73) Magic?: More witchy stuff than Houdini
74) God?: Na, fraid not.
75) Ghosts?: Yup
76) Luck?: Not for me hell no!
77) Love at first sight?: Dont know...mmm...connections at firtst sight yes. Need to know some one to love them I think
78) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: YesI hope so!! It definitely is in my rosy bubble world
79) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Those damn leprechauns keep moving it, bloody Irish tightarses!!
80) Do you wish on stars?: Always (worked once, and in a slightly more impressive way than the school assembly dream coming true thing!)
LOVE, and all that...
81) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: Haha no why would I, everyone knows that not only do I have the figure and mentality of Bridgette Jones but I have her love life to!!
82) Do you remember your first love?: Yes
83) Do you consider love a mistake?: Never, not matter how shitty it may end up youll always learn from it and really appreciate true love when you find it because of it.
84) What do you find romantic?: The little things that show youve listened, or thought about it, made effort etc
85) Turn-on?: As above, plus good eyes and arms & hands and nice kisses
86) Turn-off?: Bad/dirty hands, teeth and smells!!
87) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"?: Went on blind date, it was hilarious PLUS I got a free lunch and a cool friend out of it!!
88) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: Didn't realise it wasn't particularly but still, hell no, scary stuff!
89) What is best about the opposite sex?: Man huggles!! Mmm and their smell
90) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: ErgMEN!!! Actually the fact theres 1 rule for them and 1 (generally far less fun rule) for us and their complete inability to be straight and just say exactly what they mean or do exactly what they say! ErgMEN!!!!
91) Are you in love?: Naaa
92) Do you consider your significant other hot?: Mmmm the man I kinda slightly want to be my significant other certainly is scrummy; does that count, being a poor lonesome singleton and all?!?
New year started as I ment to go on...slobby and smelly yeah!!
Feeling that this is actually the lamest form of procrastination EVER; as I know full well the only one of my ooh six friends on this thing (three of whom are bands my bud signed me up for, I know nothing about, not that he's a shameless plugger but, just to please him... Go forth and listen to RUBEN, JENNIFER YELLOW HAT and THIS ILLUSION and buy ALL their albums, singles & general paraphernalia....TWICE....NOW!!!) who actually reads this stuff is my cousin (hello Vanessa, love you miss you!) and that was only the once anyway....out of sheer boredom....that I doubt I helped!!! Anyhew, not one to give up I will press on regardless....
Sooo I gather new years is over. Hope everyone had crazy fun, but is aware that it was all in fact mere propaganda & a conspiracy to boost booze sales, there is NOOO WAY the year went that quick!! Either way, not one to refuse any excuse for a shin dig me and my two bestest ever buddies ...

...had an AMAZING TIME at a charity ball held for two fundraising geniuses to raise money for their travels and charity work…apparently…luckily we all had such a great time that not too many questions were asked!!

Random moments of the night include comforting some tears at dawn running into random man type playing BOPIT (of all games) in a BUSH (of all places)…of course upon this discovery he was dragged at once into marquee to share the games joys!

And arriving home and emptying my bag to discover it had some how become filled with Smarties…which not one of us can explain…only smarties have the answer (ba-boom cha!)

The rest of the 1st of Jan is one big haze of slobbing it, whilst smelling suitably disgusting sitting in my lounge/a pit of duvet, random shit food (delights including muchos chocolate and macaroni cheese-not together…I don’t think…though it is possible…there was at one point discussion of eating the xmas tree…of course….luckily we were too mesmerised by the pretty lights on it & besides that would have required movement!) Well a mere 5 days later and I have managed to drag myself out of my pit and back to work…via a very hot long shower…eventually!! Haha how HOTT hot is this lady?!

mmmm I think the photo's say it all.
Christmas fun for all the family
Presumably if you are reading this you must be more bored than I am so I'd like to take this opportunity to commiserate before moving swiftly on to wish you all a very merry Christmas! I hope you all had a great time, I certainly did, up in lovely Leicester.
The main reason for my posting this blog, other than general time wasting and soul sapping of course, is I have a slight I know full well no Christmas is complete with out a little family arguing and a lot of family boozing, but when I finally got home (5hours after leaving L'ster...Hope you all enjoyed the sales guys. gggrrr) and sank in my bath I realised I am actually covered, shoulders down in big black painful, yet entirely unexplainable bruises. The puzzling part is while there was plenty of family bickering and boozing I was generally that annoying smug one, sat in the corner, watching it all, stirring and chuckling away to myself, so unless someone sought revenge in the middle of my sleep....mmm....I always thought my cousin had a nasty side....
Anyhew apart from that times were good, I have found an honest love for family festivities, who knew charades...ok not charades that sucked (I sucked truth be told) but general family board games where sooo much god damn fun!?!?! ok I knew there was a reason for my freaking out at birthday times these days, still sad or not I had a great time hanging out with the welsh constituents of my family. Great stuff.
And Santa taught me some very valuable lessons...He's not always kind to those who are good and BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, yes that's right, he took up my request for curling tongs!! Ah back to the good old days of looking like Shirley Temple!! My cousin said Marilyn Monroe, but I think its important to have respect for the dead! He was also, as most years generous with the booze, smellies and chocolates so 2006 will be a year of binging, bad hair and hangovers that require lounging in the bath!! Yippeee.
Oooh he also appears to have bought me a new neighbour!! Which is very exciting except that it means I'll have to learn to park in only one space, but it brings with it another conundrum... This mysterious person has a blue beetle with flames down the side!! Girlie car...Boy's touch, so which is it, a hottie who's just waiting to fall madly in love with me, or a hottie who lives with his gfriend..Or not a hottie at all, but, shock horror a girl?!? Boring. Either way they're clearly rather funky people. Like it.
I would also like to congratulate Mr. Sod with yet another astounding result for him and his bloody laws, as I woke, not on Christmas day but BOXING day to this...
